EURAP is the International Registry of Antiepileptic Drugs and Pregnancy. It began as a European register in 1999 and, thanks to the participation of large numbers of physicians all over the world, has become international. Its objective is to compare the safety of different anti-epileptic drugs during pregnancy. To achieve this, it is desirable for all women taking anti-epileptic drugs at conception to be included in the study.

All physicians treating women who fall into this category are encouraged to participate actively in EURAP. The study is purely observational. The information needed for it is already routinely collected, so no additional examinations or appointments are required. Pregnancies should be enrolled in the study as early as possible and at the latest within week 16 of gestation.  Cases can still be enrolled after that but the data will be analysed retrospectively and separately. All data is registered anonymously.

Download information for patients

EURAP international website  

Author: Barbara Tettenborn, last updated (contact details): July 2024.

Contacts in Switzerland

Dr. med. Dominique Flügel
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Dr. med. Elisabeth Sellitto
Schweizerisches Epilepsie-Zentrum, Klinik Lengg, Zurich