Diagnosis and treatment

Websites that are helpful for epilepsy diagnosis

Diagnosis website with videos for professionals (in English, registration required to view videos): www.epilepsydiagnosis.org

SUDEP in brief – knowledge and practice recommendations on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy

Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD®): www.hgmd.cf.ac.uk


Only if there is absolutely no other alternative, can there be a case for prescribing valproate to girls or women of childbearing age.

The situation is similar for topiramate: Swissmedic information

Generic drugs

Epilepsy League statements on generic drugs (German or French)

Helpful websites for epilepsy treatment

Drug compendium

Database www.swissmedicinfo.ch

EpiPick: A Tool for Selecting AntiSeizure Medication

This tool calculates the risk of seizure recurrence after stopping anti-epileptic drugs: AED withdrawal risk calculator

This website provides up-to-date information (in German) on shortages of drugs, including anti-seizure medication):

Swiss Database for Dosing Medicinal Products in Pediatrics: swisspeddose.ch

Anfälle im Spital (German/French)

Ein eigener Informationsflyer hilft Pflegenden im Umgang mit epileptischen Anfällen und Epilepsien.

Fachbeiträge der Epilepsie-Liga zur Epilepsiebehandlung (German)

auch erschienen auf dem Ärztenetzwerk coliquio.de

Epileptische Anfälle durch Antibiotika? (Stephan Rüegg, 2016)

Nichtepileptische psychogene Anfälle (Andrea Rossetti, 2017)

Epilepsie und Antibabypille: Eine heikle Kombination (Günter Krämer, 2016)


Responsible: Stephan Rüegg, Elisabeth Roggenhoger, Barbara Tettenborn, Editorial team; last updated: October 2024.