For professionals

Comprehensive information for physicians

Guidelines / regulations

Driving with epilepsy and other guidelines

Diagnosis + treatment

Classifications, information about valproate, helpful websites and more

Templates/ certificates

… for schools, for travel, for patients – in German, French or Italian

As a professional association we support medical professionals who treat people with epilepsy and who work in various different disciplines, for example neurology, neuropaediatrics, general and internal medicine, gynaecology and psychiatry.

Members generally receive a discount on attendance at our annual meeting. This is held jointly with a related professional association in even years, while in odd years it’s held in conjunction with the German and Austrian epileptology associations and known as the “three-country conference”. As a member you’ll be subscribed to our specialist journal Clinical Epileptology, and to BrainMag (in German) on request. You’ll also have free access to Epileptic Disorders , and you’ll receive a discounted rate on International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) congresses and on other epilepsy journals.

Responsible for the content of this page: Editorial team; last updated: October 2023.